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We’ve Reached 100 Customers in under one year!

Larkin Express recently crossed the 100-customer mark. We could not have achieved this important milestone without the talent and dedication of our outstanding team. Customers are responding well to our talent strategy. We believe that the skill set required for each of three primary roles within freight brokerage including, sales, account management and operations our profoundly different. Its more critical than ever to have the right person in the right chair both for her own happiness, fulfillment and growth, but also for the benefit of the customer who will have a single point of contact that coordinates activities with a team of specialists. When you’re building a baseball team, you don’t look for the best all around players to fill out the roster, you look for the best player at each position that can play as part of a combined team. That’s what we have a Larkin Express and we’re thrilled that customers are noticing with their continued loyalty.

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